Partially cover the range: Show products that work over part of the specified range.
Thickness indicates the distance between two surfaces. Larger thickness allows for greater heat dissipation and higher resistance to stress in machining, blocking, and handling, however it increases weight and dispersion.
Surface quality measures surface imperfections and is expressed by two numbers separated by a hyphen (scratch-dig). The first number refers to scratches and the second to digs or pits, where lower numbers indicate higher quality.
Coatings are used to alter the reflective properties of a surface. They can be used to increase transmission (AR Coatings), increase reflection (HR Coatings) or selectively transmit or reflect certain wavelengths.
The clear aperture is the pupil of the system that preserves all specifications defined by the manufacturer. It is always smaller than the diameter of the optic.
The focal length measures the strength of an optical system to converge (focus) or diverge light. It is related to the radius of curvature and inversely proportional to the optical power.
Surface Irregularity, Surface Flatness or Surface Figure is the maximum deviation from a fully flat face along the same lateral dimensions specified in fraction of reference wavelength.
Groove density is the inverse of the groove spacing and determines the range of wavelengths that are diffracted by the grating and the spectral resolution.
The f/# is the ratio of the focal length, (f), of the lens to the effective aperture diameter. The larger the f-number, the smaller the aperture, and the lower the light throughput.
The interface refers to the protocol and hardware for transferring the image data from the camera sensor to the external device or system for processing, storage or display.
Optical density measures how well a component blocks light passing through it. A high optical density indicates very low transmission. OD is measured on a log scale.
Fiber optic connectors align and connect two or more fibers together to provide a means for attaching to, or decoupling from, a transmitter, receiver, or any other fiber optic component.